The Process of Developing AQMx curated Guidance The AQMx Curated Guidance for Air Quality Management (AQM) is:Comprehensive, spanning all aspects of AQM, from air quality monitoring to legal framework, policy design and implementation;Multi-lingual, making this information accessible globally;Differentiated by stages of engagement with AQM, so that those just beginning will find information that is most suitable for getting started with AQM planning in Stage 1, with those most advanced finding relevant information in Stage 5. Each of the 8 content areas of AQM planning has a table that indicates what information is found at various stages, so that a user can self-identify which stage of guidance might be most useful. As of now, the AQMx Curated Guidance has been developed for Stage 1 only. Curated Guidance for Stages 2-5 will be developed for future iterations of AQMx, and will be kept up to date over time. Stage 1 guidance provides a “Top Ten” list of things that air quality managers can do to prepare their jurisdiction for comprehensive AQM planning. The vision of AQM planning adopted here is one of integrated planning, and there is little distinction made between “Climate Action Planning” and “Air Quality Management Planning.” Given the large overlap in emission sources and the need to address both challenges urgently and simultaneously, this AQMx Curated Guidance focuses on integration throughout. The guidance provides information relevant to all levels of governance. Not only do analytics and policies need to be aligned across emitting sectors, but also aligned between city, state, national and airshed region-wide levels of governance. Air Quality Monitoring Source attribution Emissions Inventory Health Impact Assessment Sustainable Development Benefits Assessment Decision Support Public Engagement and Communication Legal Framework, Policy Design and Implementation