Standard Operating Procedure for the Continuous Measurement of Particulate Matter - Met One BAM-1020 PM2.5 Federal Equivalent Method EQPM-0308-170

Year of Publishing
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
AQM Activity Type
Air Quality Monitoring
Resource type
Guidelines, Tools & Models
North America
report cover
This standard operating procedure (SOP) for the Beta Attenuation Monitor Model 1020 (BAM-1020) is derived from the Met One Instruments, Inc. (Met One) BAM 1020 Particulate Monitor Operation Manual (Rev G) (Met One Instruments, 2008), and from SOPs submitted by BAM-1020 users from different regions of the United States with expertise in one or more areas involving setting up, operating, maintaining, quality assuring, validating, and/or reporting data for the BAM-1020 particulate matter (PM) monitor. It is meant to be used in conjunction with the BAM-1020 Manual (Rev G or later), which is a well-organized and user-friendly document that covers many details not specifically mentioned in this SOP. A copy of the BAM-1020 manual is provided with each instrument and should be kept at each monitoring site. Some of the diagrams and stepwise procedures in Revision G are reproduced in this SOP, and Met One Instruments’ cooperation in development of this SOP is gratefully acknowledged.