Protecting health through ambient air quality management. A resource package for the WHO European Region

Year of Publishing
World Health Organization (WHO)
AQM Activity Type
Relevant to all
Resource type
Guidelines, Tools & Models
Governance level
All levels
guidance cover
This resource package is intended to support the implementation of the WHO global air quality guidelines: particulate matter (‎PM2.5 and PM10)‎, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide in Member States of the WHO European Region. It compiles the existing resources developed mainly by WHO, other United Nations organizations and international organizations that are relevant to the different stages of air quality management. It includes resources and tools for developing air quality policies, standards and plans; source apportionment; monitoring and modelling air quality; the health impacts of air pollution; emission reductions; communication and capacity-building; and training courses. The resource package is primarily aimed at policy-makers, public administrations, experts and stakeholders to facilitate the national and local uptake of the guidelines to protect humans from the adverse health effects of air pollution.