Chapter 8 - Reporting Guidance and Tables

Year of Publishing
AQM Activity Type
Emissions Inventory
Resource type
Guidelines, Tools & Models
Governance level
chapter cover
This chapter provides guidance for reporting complete, consistent and transparent national greenhouse gas inventories, regardless the method used to produce the data. The framework for reporting emissions and removals provided in the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (1996 Guidelines, IPCC, 1997) has been further elaborated for the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (2006 Guidelines) without introducing substantial changes. Most of the changes from the 1996 Guidelines are motivated by the need to report emissions and removals from additional categories of sources and sinks in a transparent way. Other changes are introduced to increase the consistency in reporting, or as a result of methodology development over the last 10 years. The categories of agriculture and land-use change and forestry have been restructured resulting in increased completeness and consistency. Since many countries will have prepared inventories for more than one year, tables to report trends in emissions and removals have been included as reporting tables. Reporting tables for general inventory issues, such as uncertainties, key category identification are also provided.