Best practices for review and validation of ambient air monitoring data

Year of Publishing
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
AQM Activity Type
Air Quality Monitoring
Resource type
Guidelines, Tools & Models
report cover
In January 2018, an EPA Data Validation Workgroup formed with a goal to develop a tool that could be used to assist personnel in any state, local, or tribal (SLT) monitoring organization with performing data review and validation techniques. This report in • Section 1.2 provides the basis for the data review requirements, including data quality regulations and supporting fundamentals. • Section 2 provides insight into the resources necessary to build an effective data review program. • Section 3 offers basic step-by-step instruction on verification and validation techniques. • Section 4 provides a brief overview of assessments. • Appendix A includes comprehensive data review checklists for verification and validation. • Appendices B and C provide real-world monitoring examples that illustrate how to code data in AQS, as well as how to evaluate data validity based on weight of evidence.